On these bodysuits the side seam is sewn after the binding, so I’ve stitched the side seam allowance down with a few little stitches. I’m not 100% happy with the binding so I am wondering about doing it as a band in future instead. I’ve always liked the idea of making bodysuits to go with handmade baby outfits, but I find it hard to justify spending time making something so basic and that can be bought so cheaply. There is also an envelope or crew neck option. I’ve gone for the cloth fit, and the snap neckline. The pick n’mix has loads of options, including a t-shirt cut line and both ‘regular’ and ‘cloth bottom’ fit bodysuits. First up is the Made By Jacks Mum pick n’mix bodysuit. To go with them I’ve been testing out new patterns. I made Lottie ringer tees to match, but with my snap neck hack. Toby is a chunky 22 months and still has plenty of growing room.

It’s a staple that I keep going back to! The fit is quite roomy which is useful when you know that. I’ve made him the next size up- 18-24 months.

Toby’s t-shirts are Brindille and Twig ringer tees. Toby loves bananas, and it’s one the words that he uses often so he was very pleased to see this print. The whole outfit was inspired by these two banana prints that I bought a while ago in a sale at Fabric Godmother. I’ve had a little bit of a splurge on a few new patterns because a couple of pattern companies have had release sales lately! It means I’ve done another batch cut and sew to create another little capsule wardrobe for Lottie and matching t-shirts for Toby too.